Thank you for checking out Hundred Percent Cotton. I hope you’ve enjoyed it but welcome constructive criticism, ideas for stories and more! This is the page that helps us get there! Here is a contact form that will come directly to me.
I do my best to reply to everyone who is here cause they enjoy reading the blog, have questions related to cotton, etc.
Some folks use this page to pimp out content that clearly doesn’t fit the blog though. Because I receive quite a few of those requests through this page or my social media channels, I’d like to point out that I don’t reply to unsolicited and unrelated offers that don’t match the site’s content. This includes advertising and the link-heavy spammy posts. There are some other sorts of tips on what fits the blog’s policies if you are worried you are wasting both of our time.
Contact Me Via Social Media
Social media is a major part of the world too. So you can find me there.
- I am on Twitter for a combination of topics (its all me though, my thoughts & opinions.) You can find me there at @JPlovesCOTTON.
- I have a page on Facebook you can find me as JPlovesCOTTON there too. There is a great community there for you to join!
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- I play around on Pinterest a little as well! I’m JPlovesCOTTON there too!
- The videos for the blog usually are also posted to my YouTube channel which is JPlovesLIFE!