Sometimes the questions that get asked leave me to pause and ponder. That’s exactly what happened when someone on Quora requested my answer to the question, what does cotton feel like? When I first saw it, I thought it was a bit absurd to ask. Then again, I routinely quote Cotton Inc on “the touch the feel of cotton, the fabric of… Read More
Cotton Bolls — What makes this one so small?
Not sure how I lost track of this post about two cotton bolls. I started writing it in the fall when my friend Robyn of Robyn’s World first flagged me about a tweet she saw from Tara Ziegmont of Feels Like Home blog. Seems Tara had a small cotton boll from a plant her family grew and wondered what had… Read More
Cotton 101: First Field Basics of the Boll
Video closeup in a field of cotton and some of the bolls off the plant. Talking through the fiber & the plant’s use.
Starting a Cotton 101 Series on the Blog
Beginning of the series on cotton to talk about the parts of the plant, how it’s used, etc. Some of the things that make it so freakin awesome.