Cotton is a warm weather plant and doesn’t like wet feet at all. That simple sentences guides a lot of planting thoughts for the crop. Like all crops, at planting you want to be sure you have the depth set correctly for the soil and fertility adjustments made (primary nutrients for cotton are nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium).
Cotton 101: Things Farmers Think Through in Selecting Cotton Varieties
Okay, big disclaimer here. I’m not a cotton expert nor a cotton farmer. I don’t mean to in anyway suggest which variety a given farmer should plant, but I thought some of the folks who don’t plant cotton varieties may be interested in some of the considerations cotton farmers have in selecting varieties to plant on their farm. So this… Read More
What is Pima cotton?
Have you heard about Pima cotton? It tends to be considered softer and smoother because of the length and strength improvements which allow for high counts on weaving. In fact, some people compare the feeling of Pima to silk. It remains a premium product that provides a diffrent feel and high quality product that can lead to a longer lifespan…. Read More
Cotton 101: America’s Heartland Provides Video Look at Cotton Farming
I could be in heaven. America’s Heartland, the awesome show that PBS airs to help Americans learn about agriculture is focused on cotton for an entire show! Yes, it’s a must-see Episode 617 – The Cotton Harvest. While I’d suggest you watch the entire episode, the reality that many of us like to watch small clips leads me to do short… Read More
Cotton 101: What’s Cottonseed Used for?
Cotton seed are one of the parts of the cotton boll harvested in the picker and once the gin separates the seed from the lint there are a few options for what to do with it. I’ll walk through a few: livestock feed, cottonseed cooking oil, planting seed, land farming and personal products.
Cotton 101: Who Takes Out the Gin Trash?
Okay. Gin Trash. The two words together… gin trash… the number of jokes that you can come up with based on those two simple words… Its unbelievable! BUT this is a Cotton 101 series so I better get back on track. But let me start by saying the fact that we call it “gin trash” in no way reflects it… Read More