In October, I spent several days in Memphis. On one trip, you may remember I got stuck in the mud on a turnrow in a cotton field and I became one of the problems cotton farmers can have when it rains at harvest time! A couple of weeks later, I returned to Memphis and with really nice weather, I decided it was a weekend for me to get back out on a farm. My buddy Bob who had shown one of my city kid niece’s around and he was up to the challenge of taking on another when until he had problems with a picker. So I called Allen’s farm and asked if I could come their way, they were gracious enough to point me to a field where a picker would be rolling.
This October, it was a teenage niece. One who had only a little experience on a cotton farm and it was five years ago!! For those of you who have read my blog since the start (if anyone has stuck with me PLEASE let me know! It feels like it has been forever!) And comparing the photo we took as we headed out, I think you’ll agree that a lot has changed since the two of us went to a cotton field together.
Oh…. and yes, I think it is clear… my niece shares a passion for cotton and agriculture! Granted, she is probably a bit more reserved with her enthusiasm these days, but I loved seeing the excitement of discovery!
Five years later, having organized a bit of a visit, we had a lot more adventure to check out so I’ll be putting together several posts on our day’s adventure! Here are some of the key elements of the day that will be featured in posts are:
- Checking Out a Soybean Field
- Getting Up Close to Cotton
- Picking Cotton & Making Modules
- Riding the Tractor & Moving Round Modules
- Standing on Top of the World
- Visiting the Cotton Gin
Oh, I’m looking forward to it, Janice! I can’t wait to compare y’all’s visit to the cotton gin to the memories I have from when I was a child!
It was quite ironic when I read your post about the effects rain had on cotton’s harvest because I had just spent that afternoon tying about 25-30 Walmart bags around my cotton stems that had some open bolls, but I wasn’t ready to cut them because there were a few left that hadn’t opened yet. It was a sight to be seen! I know my parents and grandparents (in Heaven) got a big laugh out of that! I’m the one who planted some seeds in my flower beds and along my fence. I must tell you, this experience has been the highlight of my year! I ended up having plenty to use to make the cotton wreath I’ve been wanting to make for years, and also enough to use in my fall arrangements and share with friends. I will definitely plant more come Spring.
I have stuck with you ! You inspire me Janice!
Thanks! You go girl!