A fiber that is so unique and versatile that it leads to people calling it the fabric of their life, that is cotton. Hundred Percent Cotton brings it all to you.
Cotton is a favorite fabric whether going to the park with friends or getting a good night’s sleep after a big trip. We work in it, play in it and celebrate big events in cotton. We also sleep surrounded by it and eat foods cooked in cottonseed oils. It’s also a beautiful crop that dots the Southern landscape.
This site is dedicated to covering cotton from farm to fashion. Every article posted here will connect to the crop, hence the name & URL HundredPercentCotton.com!
My love for cotton has been discussed at length over the past nine years as I dove into social media head first. I have written hundreds of articles about cotton and recorded dozens of videos on it too!
It feels strange to launch a new site and already have a few hundred posts on it (actually I launched two new sites today — check out JPlovesLIFE too if you enjoy travel, food & farms). But the content seemed to take a backseat over the years and there was so much more to say. Besides, cotton deserves to take center stage and with this site, it clearly does!
I appreciate a couple of friends for encouraging me when I talked about the idea, wondering whether it would really interest others. While I am not sure this is a case of if you build the site, they will come.
I’m building and I hope you enjoy it here and share it with your friends too.
If you’d like to help
Since some of the people who read the site have been so supportive, I thought I may leave a few ideas on ways you can be a part of the site & my work here.
Most of us who create content online because we are really passionate about a topic and communications. Creating that content can be teamwork or pretty solitary at times. Either way, it almost always feels great when others want to help.
A few years ago I wrote a short piece about the top 7 ways to support great content. I’ll give you (and the readers of JPlovesLIFE) the CliffNotes version today:
Check out more of the content — Browse the site, see what you may have missed. The home page helps you find cool pages & features I am especially proud of.
- Subscribe so you get the new stuff — Right there on the sidebar, you can enter your email address so you automatically get new posts! Besides, I’m considering doing some fun subscriber only things… that means I’ll need to know how to find you!
- Follow on your various social media channels — I make it easy! All the links are at the top of every page! We love it when people click those buttons, love it even more when folks interact with us there!
- Comment on posts — When you read something, if you agree or disagree, we enjoy hearing your thoughts. Also, when you comment, it makes it more likely that others will grow so more people can see it.
- Share content you really enjoy or find thought-provoking — When you read something you think your friends, family, social media connections, etc would find interesting, please share it. Iharing it along with a personal comment will cue your friends as to why you are sharing & why they should read.
- Got an awesome idea that would be great on the site? Tell me! Got a question about something? Ask! — Sometimes, when you are creating content you may waffle on ideas. There are ideas around but maybe none that really grab your imagination today. Your questions or suggestions, may just get me back to the writing frame of mind!
- Support efforts financially — As content creators put more time and effort into what they write, shoot or record, they spend more money on technology, support services, etc. This site is a “side hustle” for me and the redesign needed to get to this point was a big investment. I have a shop that I make a bit of money from items (some brand new for this launch!) and have now started a Hundred Percent Cotton patreon page for people who want to this continue to get bigger and better! If you have other ideas for grants, ads, etc., please let me know!
[click_to_tweet tweet=”Looking forward to seeing what all comes from @JPlovesCOTTON’s new site that is all cotton! Subscribe so you can stay in the loop! ” quote=”Think some of your tweets will be interested? Please share & tell them to come the way! ” theme=”style1″]
[…] I launched Hundred Percent Cotton, I stopped in the Bootheel on a drive back from Memphis and shot a short video I used on some of […]