Hey there friends! I think for some people, I may be one of the few connections you have to cotton farming. I’d love your help as I work on a presentation about social media for the cotton industry’s major meeting — the Beltwide Cotton Conference. As I’ve been working on my presentation, I kept thinking there are some questions that you could help me answer that may help me as I tell my social media story. And if it helps me encourage others to share their cotton story, all the better!
I’m trying to make this easy for you to help me, just a few questions with drop down answers and a text box where you can say anything else that you’d like to say anything about what you’ve learned, the sources you go to, etc.
One more thing…. I’d really appreciate your helping me get a few folks to fill this out if you have a few minutes to share it.
[contact-form][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Website’ type=’url’/][contact-field label=’Your connection to cotton’ type=’select’ required=’1′ options=’I wear it,I am in the cotton business,I%26#039;m not sure I have a connection’/][contact-field label=’Have you learned anything about cotton through social media?’ type=’select’ options=’Yes,No’/][contact-field label=’If you have learned about cotton through SM%26#x002c; have you ever shared that info with others’ type=’select’ options=’Yes,No’/][contact-field label=’Has social media had a lasting impact on your perception of cotton?’ type=’select’ options=’Yes (for the better),Maybe,No’/][contact-field label=’What else would you like to say about cotton %26amp; social media?’ type=’text’/][contact-field label=’Do you like seeing photos %26amp; videos online?’ type=’select’ options=’Yes,No,maybe’/][/contact-form]
I\’m the Cotton Board\’s Regional Communications Manager for the Southeast. I promote cotton everyday. I love cotton and I share many interesting facts and stories about cotton on my facebook page. I also share articles from Cotton Incorporated\’s facebook page. My friends love the pictures of the cotton fields and of the \” Cotton Kids \” taken in cotton fields. I have shared to Acala Farms acticles about cottonseed oil and had several friends say that they never knew cotton had so many uses ! The folks involved in cotton try not to waste anything ! The Cotton Board also has a great facebook page ! My girls love all the cotton fashion that comes from Cotton Incorporated\’s facebook page. Several of my Cotton Producers have facebook pages and we share cotton pictures and stories all the time ! Cotton is the Fabric of My Life !
Hey Monty, thanks for weighing in and all you do to get the message of cotton to folks both in and outside the cotton industry. You may or may not know me…. this is my personal blog but I work for Monsanto and spent a dozen years at Deltapine so I’m really familiar with the Cotton Board. In fact, I saw Brad’s wife this weekend while I was in Memphis. 🙂
My husband and kids and I grew some cotton in Iowa a couple of summers ago. Yes, I said Iowa! It started to Boll around frost time, so we didn\’t have very pretty cotton, but we were able to show our kids and their classmates what it looked like when fully grown,and they were able to see the actual cotton. It can be done in Iowa….just needs to be planted very early or maybe planted in a greenhouse and then transplanted. Each year we try to grow something new and different for our kids to see and learn about. Cotton has been one of our favorties to learn about.
That’s awesome Erin! I actually grew some indoor cotton in New York years ago when I lived there. The plant in my office actually yielded a boll!
Good story Erin. I would grow some in my greenhouse if I could get some seeds. How would I get 5-10 seeds?
Thanks, ME
Since cotton seed is a bit regulated, it’s best to get in touch with the National Cotton Council. I think they can give you a few seed. I’ll send you a private message with the contact info. 🙂