I have always had a passion for denim. I can still remember my first pair of Toughskins — they were green with those reinforced knees. I wanted to wear them a lot more often than the hand-me-downs I would get from my sister.
Through the junior high and high school years, jeans played a big part in every day life. Levi’s were the base for most of us but I can still remember Lee, Gloria Vanderbilt and Calvin Klein jeans all. It wasn’t til college that I was introduced to Wranglers and the farmers and ranchers that preferred them.
There were quite a few years where I couldn’t wear jeans to work and with a tiny apartment in NY, my closet was cut back. Eventually though, I got back to a culture where jeans were a regular part of the wardrobe again. More of them offered a bit of spandex to keep their shape. I bought a lot of jeans online and somewhere along the line, jeans started being as I started making a bit more money I started buying “nicer” brands like Tommy Hilfiger and Ralph Lauren that I found were long enough for me.
A few years ago though Lee Jeans got my attention. They shared a cotton bale & asked a trivia question on their Facebook page and several friends tagged me to be sure I’d see it. I thought it was cool and shared a post about it. I already had a post that said you can make 215 pairs of jeans from a bale, according to the National Cotton Council. Someone from Lee commented saying thanks and offering me a thank you gift which I was happy to accept!
Can you see how Lee started winning?
They said I could just pick out a pair & tell them my size. I really wasn’t sure on sizing, etc but when I saw they listed talls on the site, I was hopeful and checked out the charts. The jeans I ordered fit perfectly! I was hooked and found myself buying another pair now and then over the years, trying different cuts and washes.
This year when I went to Dad 2.0 Summit with work, I was intrigued to see Lee Jeans among the sponsors and when I got there, was pumped to find out they set up a Dad 2.0 Denim Shop.

a selfie from Dad 2.0
I wandered in assuming I’d simply tell them about the interaction years ago and how I found I liked their products — afterall, I am long past wearing guys clothes. It was fun seeing the dads come in, get suggestions on new styles or colors, etc. But Lee’s team had their stuff together and actually had a small number of women’s jeans and denim jackets too!
You have to admit…. that new denim jacket I left with looked good too!
As mentioned above, I have received a free pair of jeans and jacket from Lee over the years. They never asked me to write about it but I wanted to anyway, so I’m just sharing my personal thoughts. Lots of companies get lots of complaints posted online so I wanted to post happy thoughts about one.
Lee jeans are my favourite too. They just always fit me the best. I don’t even bother looking at other brands anymore. It’s a waste of time. I just get Lee jeans and they work.
I have found them a great fit for me too…. Friends at work laugh cause I use it as a brand success story so often!
I have always had a passion for denim